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Maltodekstrin, en yaygın olarak mısırdan ve ayrıca pirinç ve buğdaydan elde edilen bitkisel nişastanın enzimatik hidrolizi ile üretilir. Nihai ürün, yüksek çözünürlüğe sahip kabarık beyaz bir tozdur. Birçok tarifin besin değerini arttırır. Maltodekstrin, özellikleri nedeniyle nemi düzenlemeye ve ürünlerin raf ömrünü uzatmaya yardımcı olabilir.


Lactose is natural milk sugar. It makes up 3.5%-5.0% of cow's milk and can be extracted by a filtration process. Then the lactose is crystallized and crushed. The grain sizes are divided by mesh. Foodcom can supply its Business Partners with different particle sizes suitable for multiple applications. Lactose is one of the best dairy ingredients for food and feed due to its mild taste, white color and low calorie content. Its cheapness, low hygroscopicity and water solubility contribute to its popularity. It can be used in the production of pastry, confectionery and chocolate as a flavor enhancer and sweetener. Lactose is an important ingredient in pharmaceutical and nutritional use.


La lactosa es uno de los mejores ingredientes lácteos para aplicaciones de alimentos y piensos debido a su delicado sabor, color blanco y bajo contenido de calorías. Su rentabilidad, baja higroscopicidad y solubilidad en agua contribuyen a su popularidad. Se puede utilizar en la fabricación de pastelería, confitería y chocolate como potenciador del sabor y edulcorante. La lactosa es un ingrediente importante en el uso farmacéutico y nutricional.